Privacy Policy

Livello is committed to implementing a system to ensure each participant will receive quality services and supports that respect and protect their dignity and right to privacy by complying with the ‘Privacy Act 1988’ and the ‘NDIS Quality and Safeguarding Framework’ requirements and other legal obligations.

To ensure privacy for the Participant when discussing sensitive or personal matters, Livello will only collect personal information which is necessary for the quality of provision of services and supports and given voluntarily to the Provider.

At Livello, we will protect and uphold the dignity and right to privacy of the Participant for all personal and confidential information.

All our employees and workers are trained and committed to respect and protect the dignity and right to privacy of the Participant for all personal and confidential information.

Livello will make sure that each participant understands and acknowledge what type of personal information, including recorded material in audio and/or visual format, will be collected and for what reason.

All personal and confidential information will only be collected, used, retained and disclosed to other parties such as their advocate by obtaining the Participant’s consent.

We will inform the participant in what circumstances the information could be disclosed, including that the information could be provided without their consent if required or authorised by law.

Livello ensures the information is appropriately prevented from misuse, loss, remove, change, unauthorised access and disclosure to or use by any other person or organisation.

At Livello, we aim to collect the information accurately and maintain them up to date. All documents are stored on a securely protected database with appropriate use, access, transfer, storage, security, retrieval, retention, destruction and disposal processes.